BOOK REVIEW: Ten Natural Ways to a Good Night’s SLEEP.
Dr. Linardakis was a head of the team in the Tharos Lab. that developed a unique natural combination of supplements, called NYTEX®, for sleep. The rigorous study presented on the […]
Dr. Linardakis was a head of the team in the Tharos Lab. that developed a unique natural combination of supplements, called NYTEX®, for sleep. The rigorous study presented on the […]
All around America, families are grappling with health-care concerns. They wonder if they’ll have insurance at a price they can afford. They worry about how much out-of-pocket health costs take […]
More than 280 women were included in the study, and more than half (53%) of those in the quartile with the highest meat consumption (more than three 3-ounce servings per […]
The Food and Drug Administration asked makers of the drugs to expand its warning labels to include adults age 18-24. The labels already include similar warnings for children and adolescents. […]
Investigators cleared the immediate vicinity in Terminal 5, where international flights arrive and depart. Wendy Abrams, spokeswoman for the city’s Department of Aviation, said the response to the “vibrating bag” […]
USA Today (December issue) reported that the federal government is launching a $1 million public service campaign aimed at reducing the stigma surrounding mental illnesses such as depression and bipolar […]
International Women’s Day is now celebrated on March 8 annually throughout the world. The historical origins of International Women’s Day show us how wage-earning women were emerging as a political […]
If you read the editorial “Save the Doctors Redux”, which appeared in last month’s Sleep & Health, you may be interested to know that now the protest movement is spreading […]
Neil Freedman, M.D., F.C.C.P. Narcolepsy is the most common neurologic cause of excessive daytime sleepiness. It is as common as multiple sclerosis, affecting approximately 0.05% of the population in the […]
By: Dr. Peter Dodzik – Managing Editor The first week in April will mark the annual “National Sleep Awareness Week”, a time when sleep professionals and paraprofessionals usually begin to […]