January 2007

Dear Dr Sleep, I am waking up almost exactly at 3 am every night. Some times I could go right back to sleep, but sometimes it takes me a few […]

When the sun goes down, seniors’ fears often take center stage During the day, dementia regularly sends the 86-year-old woman into states of confusion.  But at night, her situation worsens […]

By Deena Sherman Fifteenth century artist, Vittore Carpaccio created a series of nine paintings depicting the legend of St. Ursula. Naturally, I have chosen the bedroom scene in which Ursula, […]

Vikram Sobti B.S.   Sleeping pills are all the rage these days.  From commercials with butterflies flapping their wings to dreams of missing you…the sleeping pills have become front and […]

By ANDREW BRIDGES, Associated Press Writer Tue Dec 5, 5:57 PM ET Using antidepressants increases the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior among young adults but lessens it for seniors, […]