Myofascial Pain Syndrome: MPS
Relief of chronic Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction at
Myofascial Pain Syndrome is a ewer term than Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction. It specifically takes Dysfunction out of the disorder which is a major mistake. Myofascial Pain is a disuse / misuse syndrome and is always a type of repetitive strain disorder. This type of change is designed to allow drug therapy instead of addressing underlying issues. It is part of an unfortunate swing in medicine to avoid cause and effect, corrrective actions, physical therapy, exercise, manual therapy and instead look at treatment with pharmaceuticals
90-95% of all pain is Myofascial Pain or pain coming from muscles and fascia. Dr Janet Travell wrote the book Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: A Trigger Point Manual.
This youtube video is of a Fibromyalgia patient condemned by medicine to a life of constant pain. This diagnosis is faulty to say the least.
This patient has “Recovered” from fibromyalgia or never had fibromyalgia or the definition and signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia are a faulty system of diagnosis leading to faulty treatment.
Myofascial pain results from injury and chronic misuse of muscles. Repetiitive strain injury is the primary cause of SPG. Dysfunction or improper function is an essential issue in understanding these problems.
Myofascial pain is often mispronounced as Myofacial pain.
Fibromyalgia is a questionable diagnosis. How chronic MPD and Fibromyalgia are related is hotly contested. MPD patients recover and Fibromyalgia patients do not. Fibromyalgia can best be treated as systemic MPD but treating with the medical model leads to the medication model. This is a model that says recovery is not possible. I suggest treating all patients with a goal of complete remission initially. Treatment designed to promote healthy physiology is always better than treatment with medication to cover up symptoms.
Myofascial pain and Dysfunction (MPD) is a common, painful disorder that is responsible for many, if not the majority of pain clinic visits. MPD can affect any skeletal muscles in the body. Skeletal muscle accounts for approximately 50% of body weight, and there are approximately 400 muscles in the body. MP is responsible for many cases of chronic musculoskeletal pain and the diagnosis is commonly missed.
Mayo Clinic says about MPD “Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder. In myofascial pain syndrome, pressure on sensitive points in your muscles (trigger points) causes pain in seemingly unrelated parts of your body. This is called referred pain from muscle trigger points..”
Mayo clinic’s description is actually and over-simplification. It is a result of distorted function that leads to formation of taut bands within the muscles. These are mediated through muscle spindles. The trigger points are areas of low EMG located in the taut band capable of causing pain referral to distant sites.
The term “Myofascial pain syndrome” leaves out the idea of Dysfunction. It is easy to move to medical management of functional problems when the dysfunction is discounted. MPD Typically occurs after a muscle has been contracted repetitively in an awkward manner. This can be caused by repetitive motions used in jobs or hobbies or by stress-related muscle tension. Tere is an enormous difference between healthy and unhealthy repetitive motions.
While nearly everyone has experienced muscle tension pain, the discomfort associated with myofascial pain and dysfunction syndrome persists or worsens over time if underlying issues are not corrected.. Treatment options for myofascial pain syndrome include physical therapy and trigger point injections. Pain medications and relaxation techniques also can help.
When patients also have TMJ disorders function becomes paramount.
MP can cause local or referred pain, tightness, tenderness, popping and clicking, stiffness and limitation of movement, autonomic phenomena, local twitch response (LTR) in the affected muscle, and muscle weakness without atrophy. Trigger points (TrPs), which cause referred pain in characteristic areas for specific muscles, restricted range of motion (ROM), and a visible or palpable LTR to local stimulation, are classic signs of MP. Over 70% of TrPs correspond to acupuncture points used to treat pain.[1]
An active TrP is an area that refers pain to a remote area in a defined pattern when local stimulation is applied. Satellite TrPs appear in response to a primary, active TrP and usually disappear after the primary TrP has been inactivated. Latent TrPs cause stiffness and limitation of ROM but no pain. Frequently, they are found in asymptomatic individuals.
Although MP and fibromyalgia have some overlapping features, they are separate entities; fibromyalgia is a widespread pain problem, not a regional condition caused by specific TrPs.
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#ChicagoMyofascialPainSyndrome, #Illinoismyofascialpainsyndrome, #Northshoremyofascialpainsyndrome, #MayoclinincMPS, #Rehabilitationinstitutemyofascialpainsyndrome, #Universityofchicagomyofascialpainsyndrome