Forgotten Medicine: Why it Matters To Hedache and Migraine Patients

Patients often suffer from new medical discoveries. This happens because in the never ending avalanche of new drugs and procedures often the best treatment becomes lost. We live in a world ruled by marketing and pharmaceutical companies market the “newest, latest and best medicines” which means those with patents that produce profits.

Pharmaceutical companies are in the business to make money for their shareholders and do a wonderful job of providing funds for research and offering us new medications on a regular basis.

We owe enormous gratitude to these companies for their work which improves the lives of millions.

The other side of the coin however is that many excellent techniques and approaches to treating problems often can buried and lost.

This is especially true when it comes to patients suffering form chronic headaches, migraines, and other trigeminally innervated disorders.

In 1903 Dr Sluder described Sluder’s Neuralgia and an effective treatment a block pf the pterygopalatine (Sphenopalatine Ganglion) using a trans-nasal non-invasive technique. This treatment turned out to be almost miraculous in relieving pain.

Further investigations showed it also relieved all manner of headaches, migraines, cluster headaches, TMJ pain, eye pain, sinus pain, sinus headache, ear pain and trigeminal disorders,

This amazing treatment was published in many medical journals, Greenfeld Sluder MD who first reported on it wrote a book in 1918 “Concerning Some Headaches and Eye Disorders of Nasal Origin” and a second book in 1927 “Nasal Neurology: Headaches and Eye Disorders” in 1927.

Hiram Byrd MD wrote an article published in 1930 “Spheonopalatine Phenomena: Present State of Knowledge” detailing with 49 references the treatments accomplished by this block. This included complete relief of a multitude of eye pain sinus pain and ear pain , chronic headaches, asthma and many more problems.

Than something sad happened with the advent of polypharmacy medicine this technique was lost to much of medicine, though it did not disappear completely.

The following video is a physician who decided to become a doctor due to the amazing relief he received from an SPG Block. Unfortunately, he was never taught the procedure and left the practice of medicine because he could not help patients like he was helped. This video was taken the day he learned what a Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block actually was.

In 1986 a book “Miracles on Park Avenue” was published about the medical practice of Dr Milton Reder who utilized Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks to treat a wide variety of diverse conditions. His practice had patients who came from across the world for the “Miracle SPG Block”

I first learned about SPG Blocks when a patient gave me copy of the book and asked me to help him find a Chicago area doctor who utilized the technique but I could not find even one doctor who knew anything about the SPG Block. I eventually learned that a colleague in the TMJ field, Dr Jack Haden of Kansas City preformed the blocks. I flew to Kansas City and learned how the block was done, practised them on myself and have been doing them for over 30 years now.

I have always been inclined to teach my patients how to take control of their pain at home. I have taught hundreds of patients how to utilize Travell’s Spray and Stretch Techniques, I have prescribed BNS 40 home Myomonitors to TMJ patients ans so it seemed logical to teach my patients to self administer the blocks. Originaaly, I utilized cotton tipped applicators but soon switched to cotton-tipped nasal catheters that allow contiuous capillary feed to the mucosa over the Sphenopalatine Ganglion.

The next link is to patients who have had Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks in my office and have learned how to self administer them.

There is a new Renaissance in the field of Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks and three new FDA approved devices for delivering the blocks, the Sphenocath, the Allexio and the TX 360 used in MIRx protocol. Research is showing excellent results with repeated application. These new companies have discovered the advantage of repeated administration.

The single visit advantage for my patients is that they learn self administration and can do blocks as needed to control and eliminate pain. The blocks work for intractable headache pain:

Intractable/ Refractory Headaches and Migraines: SPG Blocks (Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks) May be the Fastest Safest Treatment. Status Migrainosus Relief.

They have recently been shown effective for treating Essential Hypertension:

Treating Glossdynia or Burning Tongue / Burning Mouth Syndrome:

Cluster Headaches: