Joel Friedman from Illinois felt the urge to take a nap at about every half hour while driving, as reported Chicago Sun-Times describing several typical cases of sleepy drivers. Instead […]

Pennington, now 41, was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at age 18. Shire Pharmaceuticals approached the popular handyman in 2005 to serve as a spokesman for the company’s […]

I turned to our patient. “Mrs. Watson, why are you on birth control pills?” With the tone adults use for dense 2-year-old, she explained, “Um, that would be to avoid […]

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Permit me to begin this month’s column with a question: what does the title of my piece mean to you? Does it conjure something or nothing at all? If something, […]

Ahmad R. Hariri, Ph.D., and colleagues at the National Institute of Mental Health looked at how subjects with variations in the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene (which mediates anxiety behavioral traits) […]

It is interesting that the most similar expressions were for negative emotions. Expressions of emotions were like “family’s signature,” said G. Peleg from the Institute of Evolution at Haifa University. […]