Winston Churchill observed that democracy may be the worst form of government, except for all the others. It should thus be apparent that the U.S. health care system is the […]
Winston Churchill observed that democracy may be the worst form of government, except for all the others. It should thus be apparent that the U.S. health care system is the […]
There are data that chronic or extreme anger before sleep could also cause additional outbursts of morning cortisol, and “whip up” morning adrenalin. The expression: “I will rather […]
According to historical record, Bhishma’s bed of arrows was also his deathbed in a war that is said to have occurred around 6000 BC. The war was so devastating to […]
Fortunately, not all wars focus on guns, bullets, explosions and minefields nor are they reported in such gruesome manners. Other types of wars exist in which the casualties are reported […]
Interestingly, during clinical trials the same medication was helpful to curb craving for drinking. This new medication is expected to be on the market next year.
In the past these problems have been diagnosed at the later stage of the disease and patients were offered medications to slow down the speed of decline. The current advances […]
1. Overweight/Obesity is a disease state that has reached epidemic proportions (65% of the population) that ultimately results from a constant state of consuming more energy in the form of […]
Central to this more efficient care deliver model is a proprietary system built by Verist Medical, LLC. that integrates innovative, well-validated diagnostics, electronic medical records, e-prescribing, tangible outcome quality indices, […]
Nearly half a century ago, scientists raced to discover the secret of life. At the forefront of this effort was a brilliant British researcher who brought her substantial gifts to […]
– a High School freshman. At the recent 13th Annual National Conference on Trichotillomania and related Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors held in Los Angeles (there is such conference, even if […]