Second Chance for Stem Cell Therapy for Autism, Brain Trauma, Cerebral Palsy and Stroke in Children

Stem cells are frequently collected and stored from umbilical cord blood. Developing wisdom teeth offer a second chance to harvest stem cells that originated from the neural crest to treat brain injuries and disorders in children.

Dr Wayne Franco and his company New heart LLC is partnering with Dr. Ira L Shapira, a Chicago dentist, to introduce these Special Cells to the world. These cells come from tooth buds. They contain embryonic-like stem cells. The tooth bud is what eventually develops into a tooth.

Dr. Shapira has method and device patents awarded to remove and collect stem cells from the developing tooth buds in a minimally invasive manner. New Heart has been
awarded patents and has patents pending to use dental stem cells for the potential treatment of heart disease, spinal cord injuries, kidney disease, gastrointestinal disease, muscle disease, autism, stroke, cerebral palsy, brain trauma, hypoxic injury to the brain, and diabetes.

If a child 8 – 12 years old has any of these diseases, contact New Heart for the collection of stem cells during the removal of the wisdom tooth buds. By removing the buds, it might also prevent complications caused by impacted wisdom (Third Molar) teeth and from wisdom tooth extraction later in life. It is New Heart’s goal that incredibly valuable Stem Cells from these buds be banked and be available to treat young patients or saved to prevent or treat future diseases or reverse the ravages of aging.

Remember that cord blood banking started slowly, and 15 years later we are now finding
that cord blood is successfully treating cerebral palsy and even a drowning baby.

New Heart LLC
520 Saybrook Rd
Middletown Ct
[email protected]

Dr Shapira envisions a world where the early minimally invasive removal of developing third molars will be as common as placement of dental sealants in children. The traumatic experience of having wisdom teeth extracted as teenagers or adults with associated pain and morbidity will be replaced by a simple procedure that takes just a minute or two to remove the wisdom tooth before calcification begins.

The advantage to patients will be enormous even if stem cells are not collected and saved. Dr Franco worries that if this does not become the standard of care that thousands if not millions of patients may be denied lifesaving stem cell therapy.

The research on stem cells is still in it’s infancy. Stem Cell therapies may be an important mainstay of treatment in every disoder that afflicts mankind.

Embryonic stem cell research is advancing at an exponential rate. The same is true for Adult Stem Cell research. Stem cells from umbilical cord blood is considered an “Ethical Alternative” to embryonic stem cells by patients having ethical dilemmas with utilizing embryonic stem cells. Umbilical cord blood is also considered a valuable resource for disease treatment.

Unfortunately, many patients have not saved their umbilical cord blood. Stem cells from developing tooth bud offer a second chance alternative that may be more valuable than stem cells from umbilical cord blood. All of the cells of the body develop from three germ layers that are available in embryonic stem cells. Stem cells from cord blood or extracted teeth contain only mesenchymal stem cells.

Stem cells from the developing tooth bud has the ability to be multipoint or pluripotent.

The developing tooth bud has mesenchymal stems cells, epithelial stem cells but more importantly the stem cells that turn into nerves and nervous receptors. There are at least 29 distinct neural receptors in the periodontal ligament that come from the tooth bud. Japanese researchers have grown hepatocytes (liver cells) from tooth bud stem cells.

Dr Shapira hopes that the children of today will use their Stem Cells from both umbilical cord and tooth buds not only to extend the lifespan but to allow our children to reverse the symptoms of aging and cure diseases, replace organs and body parts as needed. The DNA is degraded as we age and telomeres shorten on DNA molecules. Using our personal stem cells to avoid any risk or rejection or necessity of anti-rejection drugs will let us continually infect ourselves with “Youth”.

Aubry DeGrey in Endless Aging states there are only seven areas that have to be addressed to eliminate the effects of increased chronological age. One of those is correcting DNA damage. Personal collection of stem cells from umbilical AND developing tooth buds will allow us to address DNA damage by being able to reintroduce our own undamaged DNA at will.

Dr Shapira and Dr Franco call on the NIH to immediately commence research on the value of these stem cells. The NIH has already looked at stem cells from dental pulp and periodontal ligaments but these differentiated stem cells do not offer all of the beefits available from earlier collection from the developing tooth buds.