An uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to memory loss according to studies done on the connection between blood pressure and failure to recall events. With about 75 million American adults suffering from high blood pressure, as stated by CDC in 2016, it is a possibility that these people will suffer from memory loss one way or the other. Headaches are common symptoms of hypertension which is also linked to a decline in memory and cognitive skills.
Understanding the Link Between High Blood Pressure and Memory
Blood pressure is the force of the blood against the walls of the artery. Readings of your blood pressure indicate the pressure of the blood against the walls when your heart is beating and resting. A consistently high-pressure reading can damage and weaken the blood vessels. It can cause strokes and cardiovascular diseases.
What happens when the blood pressure is high is that damage that is inflicted on the blood vessels causes them to constrict and narrow. Therefore, the supply of blood does not flow freely. Without blood passing through, a heart attack is imminent. Similarly, when the blood flow to the brain is restricted which is about a quart per minute on a normal basis, then its functioning is highly affected causing memory loss or difficulties and other symptoms. Lack of oxygen also enhances memory loss even in the short-term.
The extreme scenario is when a series of strokes occur drastically changing the blood supply to the brain. They can kill brain tissues and this is where serious memory problems develop in the form of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Dental Care, Headaches and Memory Loss
Memory loss can also be caused by a minor head injury. If you are suffering from a head trauma, you might experience headaches causing minor to severe discomfort. Headaches by themselves are symptoms of many illnesses such as the flu or cold, among others. They can also be caused by a painful tooth. Toothaches can become direct sources of headaches along with jaw tightening and muscle clenching. Most of the toothaches and headaches are sensed and detected by the trigeminal nerve, the biggest cranial nerve responsible for the sensation that we feel. The common causes of a toothache are infections, cracked teeth, cavities and exposed roots/nerves. It makes sense, therefore, to take care of teeth, get adequate dental cover and prevent nagging headaches which can, in turn, contribute to memory loss.
Memory loss is triggered by several factors, the most prominent of which is uncontrolled blood pressure among adults. It is also linked to headaches due to head injuries and trauma. Getting your blood pressure under control can prevent memory loss in the short and long term.