Hate Headaches? Find A Neuromuscular Dentist!
I hate headaches provides information on Neuromuscular Dentistry and treatment of headaches, migraines and TMJ disorders. The I HATE HEADACHES website now has listings of Neuromuscular dentists in your area.
Visit ICCMO at http://occlusiontmjauthority.com or ICCMO.org. Visit the ICCMO” Find a Neuromuscular Dentist” page at http://occlusiontmjauthority.com/find-a-tmj-dentist-2/
In Chicago and suburbs visit www.ThinkBetterLife.com for help with TMJ disorders including Migraines and Chronic Daily Headaches.
ICCMO, The International College of CranioMandibular Orthopedics is the home of Neuromuscular Dentistry and was founded by Dr Barney Jankelson the founder of Neuromuscular Dentistry
Patients with Migraines, Chronic Daily Headaches, Episodic Tension-Type Headaches and TMJ disorders now have access to an excellent new resource on Neuromuscular Dentistry and headache relief. Sleep and Health Journal has two excellent articles on Neuromuscular Dentistry. https://www.sleepandhealth.com/story/suffer-no-more-dealing-great-impostor and https://www.sleepandhealth.com/neuromuscular-dentistry
The website http://www.ihateheadaches.org has a Find a Neuromuscular Dentist area to help patients looking to improve their quality of life. If there is not currently a dentist listed in your area Dr Ira L Shapira the founder of I HATE HEADACHES LLC will help you locate one in your area.
Dr Shapira is a Gurnee, Illinois dentist who has been utilizing Neuromuscular Dentistry to improve the quality of peoples lives for over 30 years. His office Delany Dental Care Ltd (http://www.delanydentalcare.com/neuromuscular.html) can make arrangements for patients who come from out of town at a nearby hotel that gives special rates to their patients. Dr Shapira teaches courses on Dental Sleep Medicine and TMJ disorders at this convenient location.
Chicagoland Dental Sleep Medicine Associates (http://www.chicagoland.ihatecpap.com/)was formed by in 2008 to treat sleep apnea patients from across Chicago and Suburbs with oral appliances instead of CPAP. Dr Shapira is now also seeing patients in the Skokie and Schaumburg locations with headaches, migraines and TMJ disorders.
To find a Neuromuscular Dentist for help with TMj disorders (TMD), Migraines or Chronic Daily Headaches visit http://www.ihatecpap.com.
I HATE HEADACHES LLC provides comprehensive information on Neuromuscular Dentistry, and Neuromuscular Dental Treatment of Migraines, Chronic Daily Headaches and TMJ disorders. The website http://www.ihateheadaches.org also has a find a neuromuscular dentist section.
I HATE CPAP! LLC (http://www.ihatecpap.com) provides information on Sleep Apnea, Dental Sleep Medicine and alternative to CPAP for patients who are CPAP intolerant. The website http://www.ihatecpap.com has valuable information on treating sleep apnea utilizing oral appliances.
Delany Dental Care Ltd provides Comprehensive General Dentistry with a special emphasis on treatment of TMJ disorders and headaches, treatment of sleep apnea and snoring, dental implants and full mouth and cosmetic reconstructions including Dental Face Lifts. Dr Shapira and Dr Amidei believe that healthy physiology must be the foundation for all of Dentistry. Patients in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin can easily visit the Gurnee office. A toll free call to 1-800-TM-JOINT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE!