Chronic Daily Headache and Tinnitus: Tinnitus is positively associated to pericranial muscle tenderness as are TMJ Disorders

Tinnitus is a common finding in patients with myogenous headaches according to a recently published article
(J Laryngol Otol. 2015 Jun 19:1-6, abstract below) . These headaches can be TMJ headaches with or without clicking or other joint symptoms, tension type-headaches, cervical myogenous headaches. Chronic Daily Headache (CDH) is not a specific type of headache but rather the description of frequency. Headaches that are present more then not present or fifteen or more days a month may be considered Chronic Daily Headaches. It is believed 4-5% of the population suffer from chronic daily headaches.

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Chronic Daily Headaches are comprised primarily of Tension-Type headaches and Migraine headaches. TMJ Headaches are primarily Muscle contraction headaches and similar to tension-type headaches but often have many features of migraines. Physicians, have little ability to evaluate whether there is a stomatognathic aspect to either tension or migraine headaches if Clicking, popping or locking of the TMJoints are not present.

More informed neurologists and neuromuscular dentists understand the complex feedback loops of the dentition to the Trigeminal nervous system and how a large percentage 95% + of headaches are Trigeminal in origin and therefore affected by proprioceptive input from the trigeminal nervous system and

The medical treatments for chronic headache are vast and varied and the folk remedies abound. Physicians have an enormous arsenal of drugs to treat headaches and when single drugs are not affective multiple medications are often prescribed. Medication overuse is one of the most common headache types. Physicians often believe that chronic headaches cannot be cured but are often mistaken. Neuromuscular Dentistry utilizes a diagnostic neuromuscular orthotics to evaluate headache patients and 50-80 % cure rate is common and often long term headache patients experience complete relief, sometimes very quickly.

I have two patients who had continuous headaches for over fifty years and both had complete relief with just the neuromuscular position. Other patients require SPG Blocks, Trigger point injections and physical therapy modalities to achieve their pain relief goals. Tired of living with chronic daily headaches learn more about eliminating headaches at

Treatment plans are must be created on an individual basis. I typically spend 60 – 90 minutes talking with Chronic headache patients during our consultation. The subjective information the patient gives their doctor is always the most important part of any exam, unfortunately this has become very difficult in our insurance driven health model. Treatments for chronic headaches include medication, physical therapy, acupuncture, osteopathic adjustments, chiropractic adjustments, reflexology, relaxation training, and biofeedback. Dietary alteration and use of homeopathic preparations can create enormous relief without the dangerous medication side effects. Behavioral therapy, cognitive, psychiatric and / or psychotherapy are other possible treatments for chronic headaches.


J Laryngol Otol. 2015 Jun 19:1-6. [Epub ahead of print]
Tinnitus and its relationship with muscle tenderness in patients with headache and facial pain.
Pezzoli M1, Ugolini A2, Rota E2, Ferrero L2, Milani C2, Pezzoli L3, Pecorari G1, Mongini F2.
Author information
This study aimed to examine tinnitus prevalence in patients with different types of headache and the relationship between tinnitus and the pericranial muscle tenderness and cervical muscle tenderness scores.
A cross-sectional study was conducted of 1251 patients with migraine and/or myogenous pain, arthrogenous temporomandibular joint disorders and tension-type headache. Standardised palpation of the pericranial and cervical muscles was carried out and univariable and multivariable analysis was used to measure the odds ratio of suffering tinnitus by the different diagnoses and muscular tenderness grade.
A univariable analysis showed that myogenous pain, pericranial muscle tenderness and cervical muscle tenderness scores, sex, and age were associated with tinnitus. When a multivariable model including only age, sex and a headache diagnosis was used, myogenous pain, migraine and age were found to be associated with tinnitus. When muscle tenderness scores were also included, only the cervical muscle tenderness and pericranial muscle tenderness scores were found to be significantly associated with tinnitus.
In a population of patients with headache and craniofacial pain, tinnitus was related to increased cervical muscle tenderness and pericranial muscle tenderness scores, rather than to any particular form of headache.
Epidemiology; Facial Pain; Headache; Temporomandibular Disorders; Tinnitus