Finding lasting relief from headaches and migraines often involves stepping away from the typical methods of describing headaches.
There are many questions to understand when you suffer from headaches. The first is whether you have a primary or secondary headache. These are actually describing the pattern of your headaches, migraine is one type of primary headache and is often described as a disabling, recurring headache that frequently occurs only on one side of the head.
Tension Headaches, the most common headache type is another primary headache and are often described as mild, dull pressure without other accompanying symptoms.
The problem is that you can have severe tension-type headaches and they can be unilateral or bilateral and you can have mild migraines that may or may not be unilateral. The diagnosis of the most common headache types Migraine and Tension Type have a lot of overlap.
Secondary headache can be more serious than primary headaches. They can be a WARNING SIGN of other serious health problems or underlying conditions, such as brain aneurysms or tumors, Meningitis, dysfunctions of the spinal fluid, or severe inflammatory diseases. Treatment of secondary headaches depends on diagnosing and treating the underlying condition that’s caused the headache.
Most of the MRI and CAT scans done on headache patients are to rule out serious medical problems. In general CAT Scans are not helpful in treating the majority of headaches which are usually tension-type headaches (muscular) or migraine (vascular or neurogenic).
What most doctors never discuss with patients is that almost 100% of primary headaches have exactly the same underlying cause, dysfunction within the Trigeminal Nervous System.
Understanding how the Trigeminal Nerve functions is key to lasting headache relief. The Trigeminal Nerve is often called the Dentist’s nerve because it goes to the teeth, the gums, the periodontal ligament as well as the jaw joints and the jaw muscles.
The input from dental structures determines how the trigeminal nervous system functions. When the trigeminal nerve receives too much negative input or nociception it can create changes in brain chemistry and blood flow to the brain. The input to the brain from the trigeminal nerve can be positively changed by utilizing dental appliances. The diagnostic Neuromuscular orthotic is frequently used in a diagnosis and treatment mode to eliminate chronic headaches, migraines, MPD and TMJ disorders.
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By eliminating noxious input to the brain both tension-type and migraine type headaches can be treated or eliminated. Learn more about headache relief at and at