THE MIGRAINE RELIEF STUDY: Chronic Migraine, Chronic Daily Headache and Hemicrania Continua

Chronic Migraine, Chronic Daily Headache and Hemicrania Continua: New Study on stopping the cycle of pain is seeking subjects with chronic daily headache, hemicrania continua and migraine pain resistant to other treatments.
A New Medical Study, “The Migraine Relief Study” is designed to Evaluate objective and subjective response of patients with severe continual headache that has been resistant to other medical treatments.
This initial study is for patients with continual headache for 30 days or more and requires a single visit at which surface EMG studies before and after treatment will be obtained. The procedure has been previously shown to be effective for headaches, migraines,anxiety, depression and other chronic pain conditions and is not considered experimental.
A simple headache severity diary is requested for one month following treatment. This is essential in all patients. The study location is in Highland Park, Illinois. There is ample free parking available and the office is conveniently located near a Metra station for Chicago and Milwaukee patients who do not drive.
Each patient will do a 1-2 minute video prior to starting treatment and a follow-up video on the same day after treatment.
There is no control group in the initial study so all participants will receive active treatment.
1.Previous Diagnosis of CDH, HC, or Migraine from physician or ideally neurologist
2. Male or Female patients are welcome
3. Patients cannot be pregnant.
4. No known allergies to Lidocaine anesthetic.
5. This study is for patients with head and neck pain but does not exclude disorders affecting the whole body such as Fibromyalgia
6. Injections are part of this study
7. Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks will be administered to each patient.
8. Patients will be present in the office with other patients participating in this study. Patients who feel this is not acceptable may still be considered but will not be part of initial day of testing.
Patients interested in this study should respond to “The Migraine Relief Study” at [email protected].
We will need both an e-mail address and phone number associated with each patient.
A short history of headaches, when they started, precipitating events and previous treatments that have been tried and how they worked. A rating on scale of 1-10, 10 being most severe headaches, typical daily headache, and “best days” and “worst days”. A short description of each in the patients own words.
A short statement of how these headaches have affected your life.
There is no payment to patients for participating. There are no costs to patients or to patients insurance companies. Ideally these results will be used to demonstrate how insurance companies can help patients seeking a better quality of treatment while reducing medical costs to patients and insurance companies.
Ideally, there is an expectation that this block will break the cycle of pain in many patients, in essence “Rebooting the Brain” There are no guarantee of successful elimination of pain.
The results will be used in a scientific presentation.
This is only a one-time study and does not include follow-up treatment. Results of the study will be made available to all participants upon request.
Chair, Alliance of TMD Organizations
Diplomat, American Academy of Pain Management
Diplomat, American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine
Regent & Fellow, International College of CranioMandibular Orthopedics
Board Eligible, American Academy of CranioFacial Pain
Dental Section Editor, Sleep & Health Journal
Member, American Equilibration Society
Member, Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences

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